Fumigation (Latin fumigatio, from fumigo — fume, smoke) is the most effective method for elimination of any kind of live pests indoors.
Fumigation includes disinfection procedures in the following fields:
- Food products and raw materials (grain, cereals, flour, tobacco, fruit, vegetables etc.);
- Empty storage facilities (warehouses, production facilities, silos, storage facilities, elevators, automobiles, railway wagons, shipping containers, ship holds);
- Inedible materials (stuffed animals, furs, wool, paper archives, libraries, antiquities, furniture, wooden, cardboard, paper items and other items made of non-durable materials)
We use products that are the most modern and advanced developments in the field of fumigation. Using special suits with high chemical protection and special-purpose gas masks UPeCo technicians control the fumigation process from the start of the room or product sealing until the end of gassing and detoxification process of the treated area.
You are welcome to contact UPeCo for a free specialist’s consultation and order a free primary object inspection for a realistic assessment of the object specifics and service cost estimation.